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A member registered Jul 01, 2023

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Thank you so much! This was my first commission job and I'm glad you liked it. :) p.s. lmao i cannot even get past the first couple of nights, they plan to revamp the closet door mechanic entirely

As someone else has said, it is a bit floaty. I like the concept though.

Nice job! I liked the artstyle, really cute. I thought the gameplay was a little confusing as I was having trouble weighing which characteristics were more important; it bended my brain a little. But overall really nice and it will be interesting to see how you expand in the future if you choose to, because it is a strong concept.

Thank you! :)

really charming and unique controls that werent frustrating and were pretty satisfying to escape death. I like how there are other fish that are being caught while you are swimming. overall quite fun

I like the art. the guy is a bit frustrating //o-o//

Loved the gameplay, very focus stealing. I like the parallax and simplicity.